Konzertreview Graz in the Kleine Zeitung

Only original compositions were heard. These, as well as their interpretations, showed: Memplex operate excellently, as a well-integrated unit, out of which strong soloistic contributions can stand out. Particularly Mario Rom proved why he is one of the leading trumpeters of his generation in this country, but also Zangerle was able to convince with his contributions, which varied from subtle to extremely gripping, while Jagschitz often set lyrical landmarks on the piano and Dolp drove the events forward powerfully-elastically. This is truly outstanding contemporary jazz from Austria. – Robert Tendl

Concert Review Graz in the Kronenzeitung

During their stop at the Stockwerk in Graz, the formation around drummer Niki Dolp presents a cultivated, playful soundscape that brings its complex structure to the ear in melodious layers. The ears flap in celebration when the almost baroque sonic cloud of the two wind players Mario Rom and Werner Zangerle rises at the beginning. Memplex are back again! While the drummer mightily stirs the drum, pieces like “Pointilistic” or “Soupa Di Alentaja” show how the band assembles its songs from several layers of sound: At the center, pianist Philipp Jagschitz is dreaming – above him, a storm is raging. – Felix Jurecek